

Vitruvio Virtual Reality

Release date

Type of work
Virtual Reality experience

"Synapse" is one of the first immersive virtual works of art ever created and presented to the public.

When the spectator is immersed into “Synapse” – a molecular labyrinth structure designed and populated by the artist Enrico T. De Paris – he becomes an active part of the artwork and in turn becomes an artwork within the artwork: he moves freely around the rooms, is stimulated by small flying objects; he encounters a number of different creatures – symbols, emblems, metaphors.

To wear the visor and enter “Synapse” means to become the artifice of your pathway, author of your personal artistic experience just as he is the author of his own personal existence: subjects which are at once both active and passive.

A virtual life regulated by very real laws.

“You may never emerge from this experience again.”

Enrico T. De Paris
